Muzyk Robert Kacprzycki

Młodszy brat Bongosa

Robert Kacprzycki, 2008

1. Jazee - 10:31
2. Droga przez pole melonów - 14:18
3. Młodszy brat Bongosa - 11:55
4. Przebudzenie - 8:33
Author: Robert Kacprzycki

Robert Kacprzycki: lead, solo and bass guitar,
Maciej Szyszkowski: conga, bongo drums, clave, shackers, shackere'a, cowbell, harmonica

All mixed and mastered by Robert Kacprzycki


Droga przez pole melonów

Młodszy brat Bongosa


The record was released at the beginning of 2008 by my company RK-SYSTEM.
It was distributed among friends and clients of my company.
There is an interesting story attached to the release of the record which I would like to present here.
My sons were attending an English language course in Great Britain.
Unfortunately, one of them, Marcin, had to return home earlier, before completing the cxourse.
A taxi driver who worked for the language school which my son attended was just taking him to the airport. They are talking a lot about music on the way. Marcin asked him what kind of music he liked.
The taxi driver was not able to precisely define the genre of the music but he mentioned that he had a record which he had gotten from his colleague and if, they popped into his place to have lunch before the departure, he could show him the record and also the guitars he played.
Since there were about six hours left before the departure, they decided to go to the driver’s house first.
On the way there, the Englishman was telling him a lot about the record which he had been listening to recently and that he would like to play like this himself but he could not make out the playing technique used by the composer.
When they got there, Marcin found a large collection of fenders and the taxi driver went to get the record with the music which impressed him so much and about which he was talking to Marcin so well on the way home. After a few minutes, he brought the record into the room. Seeing it, Marcin stood stock-still and then shouted: ""...hey, this is my record of my father, where did you get it from???"
Both men were perplexed. The Englishmen was looking at the young boy with disbelief and tried to grasp what just had happened. After being silent for a moment, the younger twin said: "Look at the author’s name and who is on the cover, it is me and my brother, Hubert !!!"
At that moment, the young boy’s arguments could not be questioned. Marcin asked: "Where did you get it?".The taxi driver replied that the colleague who worked for a big international corporation had recently ordered some electronic devices from a Polish company and they had been delivered with two records enclosed as gifts. His colleague did not listen to music and he presented the records to him.
Both music fans became so euphoric that they could not believe in what just had happened. Then they had a long conversation about this and Marcin tried to translate some titles into English but some appeared to be were really difficult for him :)
This fact made me provide pieces in all subsequent records with English titles.

No one can question now that the world is really small...

Należy się teraz cieszyć :), gdyż moje nagrania zostały w końcu dostrzeżone. Na początku października 2013 roku została wydana dzięki trzem sponsorom w sposób oficjalny moja nowa płyta "Like a jazz...". Najnowszy materiał muzyczny został skomponowany w konwencji jazzu łatwo wpadającego w ucho tak, żeby stopniowo przedstawić sekrety tej pięknej muzyki szerszemu gronu odbiorców. Szczegóły są zawarte na zakładce "Dyskografia"

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